testing alone cannot replace a full quality assurance effort, but for
many organizations, complete QA integration throughout the software
development lifecycle proves cost prohibitive. If only someone
could swoop in at the end of the lifecycle and rigorously thrash the
software before release.
Jeracor can
take a mostly complete software application or Web site and subject it
to a methodical series of tests to uncover issues that have
historically proven troublesome for applications.
We can work with or without requirements and with miminal ramp-up time
before beginning. We need only a basic understanding of the
business problem the application solves, the anticipated workflow for
the user, and a testbed environment.
We will deliver a checklist of the tests we perform and will log issues however you prefer.
Due to our streamlined process, we typically only create a checklist
and not a complete set of test cases; however, if you would like a set
of test cases for your internal resources to run with successive
releases, we can build those as well.